Laura Hedgecock | Sharing Stories Big and Small


Episode 14 | 17 November 2020

Laura shares the stark difference between one grandmother who kept a notebook with memories and family information and another grandmother who fabricated the story of her childhood and said she grew up in an orphanage.   We talk about visiting ancestral homes, interests that resurface after several generations, and how all stories are great stories to pass on.

In this episode Laura shares:

  • The story behind her maternal grandmother’s treasure chest of memories [2:02]
  • When she found out her paternal grandmother hadn’t told the truth about her father [4:09]
  • Her family’s love of animals goes back at least four generations [8:18]
  • How she processed her feelings about her paternal grandmother’s lies about her family [10:00]
  • One way Laura connects with ancestors that have been researched by other family members [15:20]
  • How some ancestral occupations are revisited in recent generations [20:35]

More about Laura :

Laura Hedgecock is an author, storyteller, speaker, and GeneaBlogger, passionate about helping others tell personal, family, and ancestor stories. She’s a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, Genealogical Speakers Guild, and serves as Secretary of Detroit Working Writers and President of the 3400+ member GeneaBloggers Organization.

Her book, MEMORIES OF ME: A COMPLETE GUIDE TO TELLING AND SHARING THE STORIES OF YOUR LIFE, guides and empowers memory collectors with down-to-earth, practical advice and creative ideas. Her website,, provides practical advice on preserving and sharing memories and family stories.

Connect with Laura:

Instagram: laura_hedgecock
LinkedIn: Laura Hedgecock
Facebook: AuthorLauraHedgecock
Twitter: LauraLHedgecock
YouTube: Laura Hedgecock

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Episode Sponsor:

Episode sponsored by Heather Murphy's signature 1:1 service, Stories in Your Roots.

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